The Snowball Effect - The North Finland Biennial

Minna Kangasmaa | Hannu Ahosola | Maria Huhmarniemi |
Elina Juopperi | Kari Lunnas & Pirjo Roponen-Lunnas |
Lauri Rankka | Antti Tenetz | Petri Yrjölä

University of Oulu, Department of Architecture Gallery
15.10. - 16.11.2012

To the Snowball effect fourth exhibition place the Biennial curator Marketta Haila has selected nine artists who’s works deal with the environment, urban planning, and natural resources. There are videos, installations, photographs, prints and paintings. Artists in the exhibition are Minna Kangasmaa, Hannu Ahosola, Maria Huhmarniemi, Elina Juopperi, Kari Lunnas & Pirjo Roponen-Lunnas, Lauri Rankka, Antti Tenetz, Petri Yrjölä.